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  Social Impact

Magic Johnson Retires From The NBA

After being diagnosed with HIV, basketball hall of famer Magic Johnson holds a news conference and retires from playing basketball due to his newfound illness. 

The Berlin Patient 

Timothy Ray Brown was diagnosed with HIV in 1995 and began antiretroviral therapy. In 2006, Timothy was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). His physician, Dr. Gero Hütter, at Charité Hospital in Berlin, arranged for him to receive a hematopoietic stem cell transplant from a donor with the CCR5 delta32 mutation.This mutation, found at relatively high frequencies in Northern Europeans, results in a mutated CCR5 protein.The majority of HIV cannot enter a human cell without a functional CCR5 gene. An exception to this is a small minority of viruses that use alternate receptors, such as CXCR4 or CCR2.Those individuals who are homozygous for the CCR5 mutation are resistant to HIV and rarely progress to AIDS. Timothy received two stem cell transplants from one donor homozygous for the delta32 mutation: one in 2007 and one in 2008. In 2009, after being off antiretroviral therapy for one year, levels of HIV plummeted while his CD4 T cell count increased, indicating that he no longer needed antiretroviral therapy to control his HIV infection.

Lead singer Freddie Mercurary had HIV. He died of bronchopneumonia brought on by AIDS on 24 November 1991, only one day after publicly acknowledging that he had the disease.

Freddie Mercury 

Social Implications of HIV/AIDS

Millions of people worldwide have already succumbed to this virus and millions more lives have been disrupted because of the pain and suffering of loved ones. Today there are approximately 40.3 million people living with HIV/AIDS and the number looks set to only rise. Entire societies will be feeling the effects of the pandemic for decades to come, most notably in Sub-Saharan Africa where the epidemic is most advanced. The virus itself is relatively difficult to contract when compared to others such as Influenza, but a myriad mix of social issues has allowed the virus to gain a major foothold in every nation around the world. The immense nature of this epidemic has led to mass fear and hysteria and many misconceptions of the virus. This has led to stigma and discrimination of those infected around the world as people seek to explain what they do not understand.

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Site Designed by LC Shorter / Ms. Keller / Christian Brothers Highschool 

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